Bow Warp Measurement System
Identify Wafer Bow, Warp, and Thickness in One Pass

Bow Warp Module on a Wafer Sorter

Bow Warp Sensor

Bow Warp Module
The Bow Warp add-on module continues NADAtech’s trend of increased capabilities from a sorting platform. Utilizing an award-winning optical tomography sensor, our new module can measure total thickness variation, average thickness and bow/warp in scans that take seconds, not minutes. Add Bow Warp / Thickness to NADAtech’s ever growing list of bolt on Sorter+ options that give customer the competitive advantage they need.
- non-contact bow / warp / thickness
- 3 seconds for standard 49pt scan
- scanning sensor - no wafer movement
- +/- 25μm XY sensor positioning
- up to 70kHz data acquisition
- +/- 1μm with 0.36% Gage RnR repeatability
- GUI software for developing any type of scan shape required
- measurements can be added to ANY wafer sort
- sorter+ option for 150 / 200 / 300mm tools
- 2 / 3 / 4 port inline tool versions
- available with other sorter+ options
Additional AOI Wafer Inspection Modules
Further Customize Your Wafer Sorter System

Bright Light Inspection

Edge Inspection

Surface Inspection
Extend the functionality of your system with NADAtech’s Sorter+ Inspection Solutions. Find defects on wafer surfaces and edges using a variety of specially designed applications without adding extra equipment to your production floor.
Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)

- Our newest Sorter+ Option, designed to meet industry demand
- Module created to help with common visible macro defects
- Add INLINE inspection to your wafer sort
- Adds ~4 to 5 seconds per wafer
- Completely integrated operation and reporting
- Standard ASCII and SECS / GEM reporting with defect size and location
- Broad spectrum OMNI color LED lighting + grazing dark field LED
- Dome reflector used for omni-directional illumination
- 15mpixel color CMOS imaging camera and coaxial light port
- Additional lighting options - combo dark field / bright field
- Excellent for 3D type defects such as EPI “volcanoes”
- Image stack post processing shows “repeaters” and defect clustering
Bright Light Inspection

- Front and backside bright light inspection
- Optional full rotation
- 150mm / 200mm / 300mm
- Wafer top-side and bottom-side visual inspection
- Joystick control or programmable recipe control with pass/fail button
- Function can be added to any typical sorting recipe
Bright Light Inspection

- Edge handling only
- Typical bright light inspection for substrate manufacturers
- Front and backside bright light inspection
- Full infinite rotation
- 150mm / 200mm / 300mm
- Wafer top-side and bottom-side visual inspection
- Joystick control or programmable recipe control with pass/fail button
- Function can be added to any typical sorting recipe
Bright Light Inspection

- Front side only bright light inspection
- Full gimbaling action for topside visual inspection
- Joystick control or programmable recipe control with pass/fail button
- Function can be added to any typical sorting recipe
Scribe Location Inspection

- Option for any system using OCR
- Measures scribe location against a qualified location
- Automated characterization
- Automated inspection
- Function can be added to any typical sorting recipe
- Includes SECS / GEM reporting for X / Y and linear offests
- Limits monitoring and alarms
Wafer Edge Inspection

- Top and bottom bevel inspection option
- Function can be added to any typical sort recipe
- Scans wafer bevel for cracks and chips after Align / OCR function
- Standard ASCII and SECS / GEM reporting with defect size and location
- Optional image capture and industry standard XY Report Formating
- Captures defects down to 0.5mm, with latest generation seeing defects down to 60um
- Version 1.0 flags failed wafers and shows number of chips >0.3mm defect bare wafer / >0.5mm defect processed
- Version 2.0 easily detects bonding edge problems and captures multi-tiff images of each chip for K L A R F, recording chip location and size
Wafer Surface Inspection

- Surface defects are detected and measured using fully integrated Hologenix optics
- Uses defocused optics for finding surface defects ( dimples or mounds )
- Typical for wafer polishing defects
- Perfect for finding Post CMP over and under polished areas
- Also used for Post wafer bond MEMS defect inspection
- 150mm / 200mm / 300mm versions
- Whole wafer image processing or magnified version are available
- Optional stocker and agv integrated e84 delivery